From: Alberton
Fav Sportman: Ryk Neethling
Fav Sportsteam: Blue Bulls
Fav Hangout: News Cafe Meyersdal

P.I.M: So how did you get into Modelling? When did it all begin for you?
Christl: I started modelling early and got my modelling diploma atthe age of 19 and did various kinds of promotions, etc. I also later went on to becoming a modelling teacher for Figures Modelling Agency. I then tooka break for a while to have my daughter and then actively started again at the age of 30.
P.I.M: Would you care to tell our readers of some of the most memorable experiences that you have encountered thus far, namely the best atmosphere,the best places, famous people you have encountered along the way?
Christl: I have had many highlights in my career but I think the best by far was Winning 3rd Princess place last year in the Mrs Universe 2007 pageant held in Bulgaria. I met so many wonderful people on this trip and we were really treated like royalty. My best shoot was done on a high speed speedboat called THUNDER and the shoot was done on the Black Sea. Another was my trip in 2005 to Palm Springs USA for the Mrs Globe World pageant after I was crowned Mrs Globe SA 2004.
P.I.M: Is being a model what its made out to be?
Christl: If you talking about only glamour and fun - then sorry to burst your bubble but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be the best you can in this industry. A lot of long hours with little sleep and you need to at your best at all times.
P.I.M:Anyways you are P.I.M'S babe of the week. Have you done some modeling and how do you maintain that sexy Body?
Christl: Yes I have done a lot of modelling. Unfortunately you not going to like my next answer but I don't get much exercise and can pretty much eat what I want without putting on the extra kilo's. Just one of those lucky people with an extremely fast metabolism. I guess I keep myself extremely busy and this helps too.
P.I.M: Are you big on the health thing?
Christl: Not at all. I do however eat healthy by making sure that I get my vegetables in everyday and when cooking don't fry anything but rathergrill.
P.I.M: If you could make any food or desert the caloric value of lettuce,What would that be? A chocolate desert maybe?
Christl: I would have to say chocolate brownies. My all time weakness.
P.I.M: Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and a guys?
Christl: I don't know never really thought about that one. You tell me ....... LOL. Or why not ask the readers. On a guy I would have to say butt and nice abs
.P.I.M: Awesome pics. All of em.If you had to do a major Shoot tomorrow. pick a location. Your dream location?
Christl: I would love to do a shoot in either Italy or Greece.
P.I.M: .Are you a Sportsfan?
Christl: Not really but if South Africa is playing another country then I will always support my country.Do you like soccer?Yes I suppose if good teams are playing each other I enjoy a good game of soccer especially if it goes to penalty shootouts.Do u think wel pull off 2010 Lol?Yes I am optimistic that we will pull off the 2010.
P.I.M: Any Sportsman you would like to spend a weekend in the tropics with?Care to tell us why?Christl: I would have to say that I have always had a think for Joostvan der Westhuizen but then he is taken. Lol..
.P.I.M: Whats your favourite Sports Team?
Christl: Bulls
P.I.M: Do you know much bout soccer and Man Utd and Liverpool?
Christl: A little. Doesn't David Beckham play for one of them or used to? I'm terrible when it comes to sports.
P.I.M: Or are you backing the Sharks for a Super 14 Title?
Christl: No way - the BULLS
P.I.M: What was the most bizzare and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?
Christl: You know I would have to say when I guy said that I look like Catherine Zeta Jones - I mean come on ..... LOL
P.I.M:Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
Christl: I can whistle really really loudly better than most guys.LOL.
P.I.M: Fast Cars & Bikes,F1,WILDLIFE,? Which ones?
Christl: Actually all of the above - you can't really compare machinery to animals. I love the outdoors and going on Wildlife drives
.P.I.M: What are your passions?
Christl: My ultimate passion is to be the best I can be for myself.I believe that if you have enough belief in yourself anything is possible.
P.I.M: Whats the most dangerous or daring thing that you have ever done?
Christl: I went around the track in a racing car with a friend of mine who races.
Favourite place to shop?Anywhere where there are lots of shoes and trendy clothes.No favourite all shops are my favourite..
Favourite restaurant,coffee shop?I would have to say Cod Father in Sandton as they have so many different kinds of cuisine to choose from.
Have you ever eaten Indian Food?Yes I love curry. My father used to make the meanest curry ever. All my friends still talk about it to this day.
Whats ur favourite dish?I would have to say pasta - anything in pasta is good and ifI must say so I make the best pasta dishes you will ever taste. LOL
.Favourite Perfume on a guy and for yourself?On a guy I would have to say I like Armani and East West.Then for me Calvin Klein's Euphoria (at night) and Estee Lauder Provocative Women for during the day.
Favourite clubbing and Hangout?Sutra, Aruba Lounge and of course News Café Meyersdal.
Favourite Song?Tomberland - Too late to apologise.
Favourite Movie?Bodyguard.
P.I.M: If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?Christl: I'm already famous .... LOL. Jokes aside. I would love to be a girl in the Playboy Mansion - those girls rock and they have so much fun plus they have all the added perks of unlimited credit on their credit cards. Every girl's dream come true
.P.I.M: What would you never leave home without at any given time?
Christl: My make-up
P.I.M: Are you single?
Christl: No, I am married and have a 10 year old daughter.
P.I.M: Whilst we on the topic.How important is a guys dress sense to you.?Sowe can spruce up and impress someone like you lol?
Christl: There is nothing more attractive than a guy who grooms well.Not only his clothes but his overall appearance needs to be neat and tidy.
P.I.M: Lastly if you had three wishes. What would they be.Would you care to share them with us?Christl: Firstly I would want everyone who knows me to have all the happiness in the world and that I can make them happy just by being me and being positive. Secondly: To be the best role model I can for my daughter that she is always proud of who I am and that I have been a good mother to her. To beable to protect her and love her the best way I know how. Thirdly: I would wish for less crime in SA as we are really facing some major difficulties there.
P.I.M. Thanks Crystl ,We wish you all the luck and success in the future