Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” -Ashley Smith quotes
PIM: Hi Carla. Thank you for gracing PIM.........all the way from Mayerton.Mayerton has unleashed another Gem.. Tell us more about yourself? How was life growing up in Meyerton?
carla: Well I didn’t grow up in MEYERTON, I lived on the south coast most of my life, up until 2 years agoI decided to move to Johannesburg and I met someone and moved in with him
How did you get into modelling?PIM: Hi Carla. Thank you for gracing PIM.........all the way from Mayerton.Mayerton has unleashed another Gem.. Tell us more about yourself? How was life growing up in Meyerton?
carla: Well I didn’t grow up in MEYERTON, I lived on the south coast most of my life, up until 2 years agoI decided to move to Johannesburg and I met someone and moved in with him
When I was younger I started entering competitions , because guys have always found me attractive, but to be quite honest I really had a complexion about myself because of my muscles I felt I was too strong at times…ahahah
But ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a lingerie model, and when I turned 18 I just tried everything I could…
I entered the FHM competition and I have made a music video and photo shoots etc. so I hope to make it to the top one day
Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and then a guys?
The sexiest part on my body, mmm , I definitely have to say my boobs, because I paid for them…ahahaha, on a guy I would say, his chest because I love chest hair…
What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?.
Some guy thought he was clever with me, he thought he was flirting, and then I hit him through the face with my fist, he said “ you have Wednesday legs, whens they gonna open” I didn’t like that at all…
The sexiest part on my body, mmm , I definitely have to say my boobs, because I paid for them…ahahaha, on a guy I would say, his chest because I love chest hair…
What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?.
Some guy thought he was clever with me, he thought he was flirting, and then I hit him through the face with my fist, he said “ you have Wednesday legs, whens they gonna open” I didn’t like that at all…
If you were a tour operator and had to entice people from around the World to visit South Africa .How would you promote it?
Me, in a bikini with a beer in one hand and a rugby flag in the other…that is how I would promote, because men all over the world are the same, no offence, a dop, a babe and sports, and they’re happy…
Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
I can make almost every joint in my body click, even my pelvis bones can dislocate…
Whats ur favourite fashion brand – I don’t have a favorite because I mostly fit in Chinese clothes…
Your favourite Car: a mini 1275, a Mr. Bean mini…
Fav Food: pizza and olives
Fav Drink: amstel lager and wine
Fav purfume on guy:dont have one
Purfume on me: hottie tottie
Fav club: don’t have one
Fav restuarant: ocean basket
Turn Offs: muscleman men, they always vain… I like men with a little meat on them…
Turn Ons: eyes and good manners
A quote that you always live by: everything happens for a reason, even if you don’t understand it at the time…
If we snuck into your bedroom, what could we find you sleeping in? absolutely nothing… I hate wearing clothes to bed…
What type of music youve been listening too lately- air supply and aero smith.
Last movie you watched? Booty call, last night on dstv.
If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?
I would wish to be Charlize Theron, because she came from nothing and now she is one of the wealthiest, sexiest actress I like.
What do you do to feel sexy?
I put make up on, seriously…
Me, in a bikini with a beer in one hand and a rugby flag in the other…that is how I would promote, because men all over the world are the same, no offence, a dop, a babe and sports, and they’re happy…
Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
I can make almost every joint in my body click, even my pelvis bones can dislocate…
Whats ur favourite fashion brand – I don’t have a favorite because I mostly fit in Chinese clothes…
Your favourite Car: a mini 1275, a Mr. Bean mini…
Fav Food: pizza and olives
Fav Drink: amstel lager and wine
Fav purfume on guy:dont have one
Purfume on me: hottie tottie
Fav club: don’t have one
Fav restuarant: ocean basket
Turn Offs: muscleman men, they always vain… I like men with a little meat on them…
Turn Ons: eyes and good manners
A quote that you always live by: everything happens for a reason, even if you don’t understand it at the time…
If we snuck into your bedroom, what could we find you sleeping in? absolutely nothing… I hate wearing clothes to bed…
What type of music youve been listening too lately- air supply and aero smith.
Last movie you watched? Booty call, last night on dstv.
If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?
I would wish to be Charlize Theron, because she came from nothing and now she is one of the wealthiest, sexiest actress I like.
What do you do to feel sexy?
I put make up on, seriously…
What do you do to set yourself apart from other models?
I don’t worry about my weight and I am not interested in drugs at all and Im just myself, I don’t care what people think of me and most of the time I am very straight forward and down to earth.
I don’t worry about my weight and I am not interested in drugs at all and Im just myself, I don’t care what people think of me and most of the time I am very straight forward and down to earth.
If you could star in an action movie or a romantic comedy with any actor, who would it be and why?
I hate action movies so it would definitely be a romantic comedy, Ricky Martin, because I think he is incredibly sexy…unfortunately he is gay and I respect him for that…
What is the one thing you want the World to know about you?I hate action movies so it would definitely be a romantic comedy, Ricky Martin, because I think he is incredibly sexy…unfortunately he is gay and I respect him for that…
Ricky Martin, just to see if he really is gay!!!!!!!
If PIM had to take u on a date .What do we have to do to blow your socks off and make you say Wow?
Laugh a lot, wear something colorful, dance and spoil me and show everyone that I am yours…
Carla.A pleasure to have you on PIM. Best of luck with the Modeling career......Where will we see you next. Whats the next big modelling gig you have lined up?
I will be hearing from FHM on the 26 September 2009 whether or not I made it in to the top 100
And I will be the cover girl for “LOSLYF” magazine end of September…
If PIM had to take u on a date .What do we have to do to blow your socks off and make you say Wow?
Laugh a lot, wear something colorful, dance and spoil me and show everyone that I am yours…
Carla.A pleasure to have you on PIM. Best of luck with the Modeling career......Where will we see you next. Whats the next big modelling gig you have lined up?
I will be hearing from FHM on the 26 September 2009 whether or not I made it in to the top 100
And I will be the cover girl for “LOSLYF” magazine end of September…
That I am following my dreams, I believe dreams do come true, and I will do as much as possible to get noticed… because I had a really tough child hood and everyone thought that I would turn to drugs or suicide and I just want to show others that no matter how bad things are, you can always stand up…
Are you single? IF PIM had the power to create the perfect man. What type of features do you suggest we add :)?
No I am not single,
Definitely tall
Blue eyes
Blonde hair
Chest hair
Tight ass
Not overboard jealous
And very loveable…
And only have eyes for me…
And then you will have your perfect man… or rephrase I would have the perfect man…
If you had to kidnap any sportsman/celeb and take them to a remote island ,who will it be?
Your ambitions and goals as a model? Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
10 years from now, I pray to God that my body will still be in good shape and have a huge modeling career behind my back, and every time I walk down the street I would love people coming up to me and asking me” aren’t you that hot model from …..” and I would be so chaffed and sign my autograph for them , I suppose I would really just like to be recognized especially by people that always thought the worst of me… just to show them that no matter how shit you feel on the inside your beauty will shine outwards… and others will recognize it…
What do you like most about modelling? What do you like least?
What do I like most about modeling, I really love the attention, and I love being sexy and wearing revealing clothes and bikinis… because like I said I hated my body but now that I have matured and have boobs….ahahahha, I feel very confident and love to show of my prize positions ….ahahahahaha the things I least like about modeling is waking up very early for a photo shoot when it is freezing outside… I am not a morning person…
How do you stay in such great shape. Care to share some of your dietry and training secrets?
My body is naturally this way I don’t do anything to keep it in shape and I eat like a horse, no jokes… I suppose it is just a blessed body…
Is there any one you would like to meet right now? And If you were invisible for a day? Where would you wanna be?
can’t think of anyone I would really like to meet, if I was invincible for a day I would love to get on a airplane and go to Durban…
Your dream shoot…Pick a location, a theme?
Dream theme, would be in a old castle in lingerie and a prince finds me and sweeps me of my feet, and we fall madly in love, but it must be like in the olden days were you don’t wear the big white dress etc, I would love to get married in lingerie…