Author-Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

PIM: Hi Minjo. Welcome aboard PIM.........all the way from Centurion Tell us about yourself?
minjo: Hi PIM, thanks for having me, I am from centurion, and I am in the events and promotions business, I studies marketing and event co ordination.
PIM: What are some of the accolades that you have achieved thus far in your career?
minjo: I started my own Promotional sand events company , Blissful Events at 19, :)
PIM:How is Pretoria Minjo,Would you ever move to JHB?Give us two reasons why PIM should get to Pretoria on the weekend?
minjo: I do like Pretoria very much…the Jacaranda city isn’t so busy as JHB…for one , but I would not move the JHB..i want to move down to the beach though – will see what the future holds.
PIM: What do you do for a living Minjo?
minjo: I run promotional campaigns and do events management…and keep myself busy with promotions.
PIM:PIM is honored to have you! Your ambitions and goals as a model?
minjo: Photographic modeling is my biggest interest.
PIM:Where do you see yourself in ten years time? How did the modeling journey begin
minjo: Well PIM, in ten years time I hope to have my business up and running and successful.
Firstly? I use the enter beauty pageants as a little girl and taking pictures just for fun, a photographer approached me and suggested that I do a shoot with him, and said he saw potential…and that’s where It started :)
PIM: Did you ever think you'd be doing this(modeling)?
minjo: I have always wanted to do modeling and admired the models in magazines since I was a little girl, I also attended a few modeling schools and completed finishing course…I am actually a qualified modeling teacher!
PIM: What do you like most about modeling?
minjo:The designer outfits you get to wear for shoots and all the amazing pepol you get to meet, it truly is a glamour industry to be in. What do you like least? Te cattiness of some girls.
PIM: How do you stay in such great shape. Care to share some of your dietary and training secrets?
minjo: Thank you PIM, no secrets …good genes, I actually dont like the gym at all, nor do I like exercise…lots of water…is something I cant go without though.
PIM: If you were invisible for a day?where would you wanna be ?
minjo: On a beautiful Island…with no worries
PIM: Your dream shoot…Pick a location, a theme ?
minjo: I would definitely have to say the beach…no place like the beach..
PIM: Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and then a guys?
minjo: Haha I would have to say my legs, and bum(so I have been told)..on a guy..abs and a nice tatoo
PIM: Where can we find you on a typical weekend if you not doing a modelling shoot?
minjo: I really enjoy going to FTV and Cofi with friends, or having them over for fondues :)
PIM: Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
minjo: Mmm..
Whats ur favourite fashion brand – Guess
favourite Car: Dodge Viper
Favourite food:Sushi
Favourite Drink: Martini
Favorite perfume on a guy: Diesel Life
Perfume on you: Versace
Favorite clubbing and Hangout? . FTV Sandton
Favourite restaurant and coffee shop....? Feast
One wish you would like to come through.? A lifetime of happiness
A quote that you always live by: “Try and make the best of a bad situation”
If we snuck into your bedroom, what could we find you sleeping in?Now that would be telling… What type of music youve been listning too lately- I enjoy all kinds of music, Parletones and Snow patrol Is definitely a favorite.
Last movie you watched?How was it?Marley and ME…cried my eyes out.
PIM: If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?
minjo: I honestly would love to be a millionaire and travel the world…. PIM:What do you do to feel sexy? My favorite perfume and a awesome outfit :)
PIM: Are you single? IF PIM had the power to create the perfect man. What type of features do you suggest we add :)?
minjo: No..not single! The perfect man, a real gentleman that is caring and protective, loving and reliable J a nice a great feature to have
PIM:If PIM had to take minjo on a date .What do we have to do to blow your socks off and make you say Wow?
minjo: Something different and be creative…candles and roses, is my favourite.
PIM:Minjo.A pleasure to have you on PIM. Best of luck with the Modeling career......Where will we see you next. Not sure yet…but keep your eyes open :) Whats the next big modelling gig you have lined up? I don’t have anything planned as yet other than doing an updates portfolio shoot. Thank you for having me PIM.
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