~Rumi ~

PIM:Zonica...Great to have you on Pim. You are one of PIMS top 100 in the FHM Models 2009. Wow? How did that campaign begin for you. Were u ecstatic when you got the news? how do you fancy your chances.?
zonica:Thank you for the great oppurtunity!Well, I tried my luck entering and viola. It kinda felt a bit unreal when I first got the news…hehe…but it is a real exiting feeling…There is a lot of beautiful girls in the competition, but I am staying focused with my eye on the goal.
PIM:So Where are you from?, A Gorgeous model. PIM gets better by the day? Your ambitions and goals as a model?
zonica: I am from Midrand, Gauteng. I would really like to get into full-time modeling and do something good with it. It can open loads of doors into various directions and if used wisely it can be extremely rewarding.
PIM: Whats a typical day in the life of Zonica?
zonica: Well having an 8-5 office job, really isn’t all that glamorous as I would like my life to be. But we have to start at the bottom of the ladder and work our ways up. So for now, I am enjoying the experience. However, weekends are a total different view from the typical everyday life that I have, then it’s Party time…the more the better! And to top it all, I enjoy relaxing Sundays spent with family and loved ones.
PIM: Back to the FHM models. So is it tough. What have you been doing in terms of getting them votes. Give us a brief itenary on what you have to do to compete in this comp 100%. Are u doing alot of shoots etc?
zonica: I have a group on facebook and have been telling all my friends via email and sms. They are all spreading the word.. Doing a few shoots where and when I can to give viewers a greater idea of what is in store…
PIM: So suppose you win FHM MODELS Zonica, you are probably on a stringint fitnes regime. What are you doing to maintain that hot bod?
zonica: Healthy diet, lots of water and Callenetics (which is kinda like yoga, just a lot worse)
PIM:If you had to have KIDNAP any sportsman,who wud that be ha ha?
zonica: Ryk Neethling, he has a hot bod, but would much rather kidnap Vin Diesel, although he isn’t a sportsman….Yummy!!
PIM: Your dream shoot…Pick a location, a theme ?
zonica: At a waterfall with a rainforest scene.
PIM: Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and a guys?
zonica: Have to say my eyes… On a man…it really depends from guy to guy, but broad shoulders are fab!
PIM: What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?
PIM: What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?
zonica: Something like, you owe me a can of coke, cause I dropped mine when I saw you…lol
PIM: 2010..in SA...UR THOUGHTS. How do you think we will handle it, ?Are you optimistic about SA and the future in retrospect to the economy, change of presidency etc?
zonica: I am not very happy with politics at this moment...Well, we started way too late with all the necessary construction that is needed. Politics isn’t really my favourite topic to talk about, however we can’t ignore the fact that SA is heading for an all time low…This will only change when people stop being selfish and start working together. And changing every single street name isn’t helping at all. Personally I think the government is being absolutely childish and pathetic. If they start thinking what would be best for the people, no matter if your skin colour is pink or blue, maybe then we would support them and together make SA the beautiful, cheerful country that it is meant to be.
PIM: What’s the most dangerous or daring thing that you have ever done?
zonica: Nothing too outrageous…YET…hehe
What’s your favourite fashion brand? I am not much of a brand person, if I like something I buy it.
If you had a million rand, what would be your first purchase? Probably something digital…but would think about it first and invest most of it.
Favorite Food and Drink: Rosè or fruit juice. Lekker boerekos, you know the roast, veggies, potatoes, etc…
Favorite perfume on a guy:There are so many, but Hugo Boss would be one of them
Favorite perfume on u: I change from time to time, but at the moment Enigma from Yardley
Favorite clubbing and Hangout? Presleys in Pretoria, just love the atmosphere, and parties are always great there.
One wish you’d like to come true?That we could all live in harmony together with no worries or stresses.
PIM: Would you say a woman can learn how to be a model, or modeling is something in the genes? You have it or you don't have it at all? Why do you think so?
zonica:Anything can be learned if you put your mind to it. But there are some people that just have it and others that don’t. But we all have our special talents that we are great at.
PIM: If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?zonica: The President, so that I can make some changes.
PIM:Are you single? Whilst we on the topic. How important is a guys dress sense to you? So PIM can spruce up and impress someone like you Whats your ideal man.?
zonica: No, sorry, I am taken. I am not much of an appearance person, however, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take care of yourself or wear “torn” clothes. O, and this baggy “fashion” that guys have where the pants are halfway down their knees is really not impressive. Just be yourself, but do it neatly. My ideal man is loving, caring, loyal and honest.
If PIM see Zonica at a club or bar, and PIM thought we could get a date with Zonica, How should we approach you, In other words What do we do to get a date with this hot model, lol?
zonica: Firstly, you should be yourself. Don’t try to impress me to much. Be friendly. But what really puts me of, is an EGO…
PIM:lol.Good luck Zonica. A pleasure to have you on PIM. Best of luck with the Modelling
zonica: Thank you once again for this opportunity and exposure... :)
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