Diogenes Laertius. Circa 200 A.D

PIM: Hi Cindy. Before we get into the modeling bit. Tell us more bout yourself. , PIM is led to believe that you hail far from JHB. Meyerton?Where are you from and how did you get attracted to the glamour of modeling and the industry? Meyerton must be proud to be host to the stunning Cindy Niemandt!
cindy: Yes. I’m form the Meyerton area and its quite a few minutes from JHB. I went for my first shoot in September and it was actually a present from my fiancĂ©e for my Birthday last year and since then I just fell in love with it, haha I sure hope their proud!
cindy: Yes. I’m form the Meyerton area and its quite a few minutes from JHB. I went for my first shoot in September and it was actually a present from my fiancĂ©e for my Birthday last year and since then I just fell in love with it, haha I sure hope their proud!
PIM: Oh and while we on the topic. Tell us more about Meyerton Cindy! Plenty fishing spots around there...?
cindy: Lol not in Meyerton but the Vaal dam is not to far from there.
PIM: Wow. PIM is honored to have you? Your ambitions and goals as a model?
cindy: Thank you. Well I really want to try to get into an agency and hopefully be in a few magz and commercials
PIM: What’s a typical day in the life of Cindy Niemandt?
cindy: oh I get up and feed my kitty and my puppy, go to work and go home and spend some time with the love of my life!
PIM: How do you stay in shape Cindy? Any tips for our readers?
cindy:I really try not to eat chocolates and sweets its soooo hard but totally worth it
PIM: If you had to make any food or desert or junk food the caloric value of lettuce. Which would it be?
cindy: wimpy chocolate milkshake and KFC!!!!
PIM: So what do you do for a living Cindy?How do you pay the bills
cindy: I’m an underwriters at an insurance company in Greenside
PIM:If you had to have KIDNAP any sportsman/ celeb,who wud that be ha ha?
cindy: oh of course the answer is Ryk Neetling!
PIM: Your dream shoot…Pick a location, a theme ?
cindy: some where like the Maldives or Zanzibar, a bikini shoot.
PIM: Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and a guys?
cindy: I think that would be my legs. And with a guy it would def be his arms
PIM: What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?
cindy: I don’t really get come on lines I usually get weird conversations
PIM: 2010..in SA...UR THOUGHTS..How do you think we will handle it, ?I know you not a sports lover but comon..Everybody is gearing up for 2010 :)
cindy: I think its great, it’s a chance for us to show what we’ve got! there are so many soccer supporters and I wish SA all the best and I’m excited as well!
PIM: Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
cindy: I’m a good writer, I love writing poems and my one poem got published a few years ago
Whats ur favourite fashion brand: Volcom
If you had a million rand, What would be your first purchase: Clothes!
Favourite food: I love seafood
Favourite Hot drink: Wimpy Coffee
Favourite Cold drink: Sparkling Water
Favorite perfume on a guy. Hugo Boss
Favourite Perfume on you: Britney Spears Fantasy
Favorite clubbing and Hangout? Shooters!
Favourite restaurant and coffee shop....?. I love Adega
One wish you would like to come through: To live happily ever after :)
PIM: Would you say a woman can learn how to be a model, or modeling is something in the genes? you have it or you don't have it at all? Why do you think so?Is the modelling industry that cut throat as people make it out to be:
cindy: I think its something you can learn but in Photography you need to e photogenic that you cat learn and I think some people are just born models.Yes it is, there are so many beautiful girls and other completion out there and some of the agencies expect you to be so thin its actually dangerous.
PIM: If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?
cindy: Katy Perry, I just love her she’s gorgeous and just has a spunk and is totally different.
PIM:Are you single? Whilst we on the topic. How important is a guysdress sense to you.? So PIM can spruce up and impress someone like you.Whats your ideal man. ?
cindy: No I’m engaged to the most wonderful guy. Oh t is sooo important, I love when a guy has his own style, and his own look its just more intriguing
PIM: If PIM had to take Cindy on a date. What would we have to do to blow your socks off lol?
cindy: I’d love a quite dinner somewhere away form everything and everybody with candles and flower and some romantic music.
PIM: lol.Good luck.Cindy A pleasure to have you on PIM. Best of luck with the Modelling career......
cindy: Thank you so much, and thank you for this wonderful opportunity
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