PIM: Hi Chantel. Thank you for gracing PIM. So you from JHB. Tell us more about your yourself amd your modelling journey thus far.?
chantel: My name is Chantel I am 27 i stay in centurion, I work for Tripel xxx as a part time rep I am a very out going type of person and always up for a challenge I love animals so I am against any abuse to any animal. My modeling well its a hobby for me at the moment dont realy have the time to put all the effort into it that is needed and also where to find a good agency these days that will help you become what you want instead of filling there pockets. What more about my self hmmmm there is so much to tell but such little time :) !
PIM: What are some of the accolades that you have achieved thus far in your career?Highs and the lows?
chantel: My career well that is a tricky one because I dont realy have one of those,I keep my options open so i do abit of every thing ! But what I can say is that you dont realy need a education these days because if you are street smart you will do good ,just need some one to give you a chance. Lows in my career is that I am always wondering when it will end but so far I have been on track all the time !
PIM: PIM Met you at a few FHM MODEL 2009 PARTIES. How was the competition and journey? chantel: LOL well the competion was exciting, alot of work but fun. I enjoyed it. It was my first eva competion I entered so it was a learning curve and a step in a new direction of being or becoming a model. Important thing I learned was that neva forget your fans because its their support and love that helps you in a big way as well to get you where you are especially in a competion like FHM Models .
PIM: What’s a day in the life of Chantel. How do you pay the Bills?
chantel: Being busy all the time, as mentioned I work for Tripel xxx as a part time rep
PIM:PIM is honored to have you! Your ambitions and goals as a model? Where do you see yourself in ten years time? Did you ever think you'd be doing this(modeling)?
chantel: Where do i see my self in 10 years? Well not being a model but being succsessfull in what eva I decided to take on . My ambition and goals as a model! I want to still do a very glamo shoot for glamourous shoot for a famous brand !
PIM: What do you like most about modeling? What do you like least?
chantel: Hmmmm I dont know what i like about it? It was a dream of mine and I think for me what I can say I enjoy is that I made my dream come true ! What i dont like is that you get these girls and guys that because they are models, they forget that they also only just a human like all the rest .What I am trying to say is "dont think because you a model you beter then the rest !
PIM: What are your Health and beauty secrets Chantel? Any tips for our readers? How do you stay in Shape?
chantel: How do I stay in shape well if I find that out I will let you know. I dont do any sort of training or diets , I think i am just lucky . Beauty well I got that from my mom.To maintain that, Dont do any thing special like beauty treatments every second day like some girls do !Again I am just lucky I suppose !
PIM: Your dream shoot…Pick a location, a theme ?
chantel: My dream shoot! Paris! and it must be a very VOUGUE type of setting and with real fashion sense !
PIM: Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and a guys?
chantel: well I will have to say bum and for the guys my boobs lol :::)
PIM: What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?.
chantel: I cant realy say I have eva had a pick up line .
PIM: What do you think about J Zuma as our new president. Are you optimistic about the future in SA?
chantel: All I can say is that people must stop complaining about who the president is and start working together as a nation to better SA so that all can benefit from it ...am I optimistic, well if the goverment do what they are there to do and not make empty promises yes i think that we have a good future here !
PIM: Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
chantel: That talent is a secret only one special person can know that and that person is ME !
Whats ur favourite fashion brand – Guess
If you had a million rand, What would be your first purchase: A house
Favourite food: Pasta
Favorite perfume on a guy: paco rabanne Black XS
Perfume on you: Dolge&cubana light blueFavorite clubbing and Hangout? :FTV
Favourite food: Pasta
Favorite perfume on a guy: paco rabanne Black XS
Perfume on you: Dolge&cubana light blueFavorite clubbing and Hangout? :FTV
Favourite restaurant and coffee shop....? Cofi
One wish you would like to come true.? To do my dream shoot
A quote that you always live by:Favourite brand and colour of Lingerie? black , victoria secret and Lalenza
PIM: If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why? chantel: Angelina Jolie, why well she has alot of sex appeal. She does not let any one walk over her ,she does great things for other people . she is famous but she stilL acts like a normal person ..
PIM: Are you single? What’s your ideal man?
chantel: No i am not.What is my ideal man? Someone that I can see my self growing old with .
PIM:If PIM had to take Chantel on a date or approach you in a bar .What do we have to do to blow your socks off?
chantel: I dont know if the bar thing will work ,but should you take me on a date and blow my mind I think you will have to make it so romantic that its beter then a fairy tale !
PIM:Chantel.A pleasure to have you on PIM. Best of luck with the Modeling career
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