PIM: Sune. Thank you for gracing PIM . You certainly are POETRY IN MOTION. How did the modelling journey begin for you
sune: When I was in high school, a photographer saw me one day in a mall, he asked to do a shoot with me, and so it began
PIM:Whats an average day in the life of Sune Strauss. What do you do to pay the Bills?
sune: I am a full time personal assistant and marketer at an insurance company
PIM: Your ambitions and goals as a model? and what are some of your accolades thus far in the industry?
sune: I am only a photographic model, been featured in magazines before. I recently did an international launch with lingerie and American choppers, and I am also one of the models in the Soccer Babes 2009 calender
PIM:Did you ever think you'd be doing this(modelling)?
sune: As a little girl I always dreamed of becoming a singer, so when I realized I do not have a singing talent, I decided the camera will have to do.. :)
PIM: What do you like most about modeling? What do you like least?
sune: I like most being in front of the camera – there I am free and can live myself out. And then of course seeing the pictures afterwards and knowing the hard work was worth it. What I like least is people judging the moment they hear you are a model, making assumptions before knowing the real person
PIM: What are your Health and beauty secrets Sune? Any tips for our readers?If you had to make any food or desert or junk food the caloric value of lettuce. Which would it be?
sune: Hmmm…. I have no specific beauty secret, I eat what I want when I want. I just drink a lot of water and then go out with the girls and dance off what I shouldn’t have had… If I could make any food the caloric of lettuce, it would be Cornetto Strawberry Kisses. I would eat one every hour !
PIM:Is there any one you would lime to meet right now? And If you were a fly on the wall where would you wanna be ?
sune: Oprah ! I would love to meet that ladyI would like to be a fly on the wall in a director’s board meeting of a law firm and hear what they actually talk about
PIM: Your dream shoot…Pick a location, a theme ?
sune: A sexy Latin dance outfit… on a balcony in Rio’s sunset…..
PIM: Oh and what would you regard as the sexiest part of your body and a guys?
sune:The sexiest part of my body would be my bum and legs… and on a guy… his arms
PIM: What was the most bizarre and funny come on line that a guy has used on You?.
sune: That’s a nice dress. Can I talk you out of it? Lol that was funny
PIM: Tell us about one talent that you have that we never able to guess?
sune: I am persuasive… Very persuasive
Whats ur favourite fashion brand: Guess and Sissy Boy
If you had a million rand, what would be your first purchase: I would put half away in an investment, and with the other half I will buy a red Mazda 2 and go on a shopping spree, buying everything I can :)
Favourite food: Mediterannean and Sushi
If you had a million rand, what would be your first purchase: I would put half away in an investment, and with the other half I will buy a red Mazda 2 and go on a shopping spree, buying everything I can :)
Favourite food: Mediterannean and Sushi
Favorite perfume on a guy. Ralph Lauren - Silver
Favourite Perfume on you:Bulgari, and Dolce & Gabana The One
Favourite Perfume on you:Bulgari, and Dolce & Gabana The One
Favorite clubbing and Hangout? Taboo, FTV and Latinova
Favourite restaurant and coffee shop....?. Ciao Baby and Papa’s and fav coffee shop Mugg & Bean
One wish you would like to come through.? For all abuse to stop, especially women and child abuse
A quote that you always live by: What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger
Favourite brand and colour of Lingerie? Temptations - red and black lace, and suspenders
Favourite restaurant and coffee shop....?. Ciao Baby and Papa’s and fav coffee shop Mugg & Bean
One wish you would like to come through.? For all abuse to stop, especially women and child abuse
A quote that you always live by: What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger
Favourite brand and colour of Lingerie? Temptations - red and black lace, and suspenders
PIM: If you could be anyone famous in the World today, Who would you want to be and Why?
sune: James Bond – I want the cars, the money, the guns, the romantic intrigues and the attitude PIM:Are you single? Whats your ideal man?yes I am single. My ideal man is a man who sweeps me off of my feet and makes me feel like the most special girl in the world
PIM: If PIM had to take Sune on a date. What would we have to do to blow your socks off lol?
sune: Take me to a salsa club and dance the night away with me
PIM: Thanks Sune, Best of luck with your career and future
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